5:00 pm Christmas Eve Service at Athens Christian Church
Dec 24, 2020 • Ken Gennicks, Senior Minister • 12/24/20 5:00 PM
Welcome to the Christmas Eve Candlelight & Communion live stream service! (Please prepare some crackers and juice to partake of Communion at the end of the service.)
Here is the 6 pm Order of Service:
Prelude: Dick Bachman, Organ
First Christmas Carol: led by Terry Henrikson
Scripture Reading: Vonda Laffey
2nd & 3rd Christmas Carols: led by Terry Henrikson
Scripture Reading: Vonda Laffey
4th Christmas Carol: Led by Terry Henrikson
Special: Izzy Sokolis
Devotion/Communion: Ken Gennicks
Postlude: Dick Bachman, Organist
Thank you for participating in this special service...Merry Christmas!